
Some projects with contributions from Griffin Management

In house

We work on in house projetcs that enable people to use decentralized internet services


    oblak is a platform operated by a small, friendly community.

    The platform is developed and operated by us. With oblak, users can use multiple apps bundled behind a single sign-on account.

    It consists of a robust hybrid cloud infrastructure that powers the fully open source application stack.

    The main software components are:

    • Keycloak as identity provider
    • SOGO as webmail service
    • Nextcloud as filesharing service
    • Element as chat service

    The integration glue between the components is mainly written in Python.

    Hetzner Kubernetes Grafana/Prometheus Graylog/Fluent-bit Python
  • operates a private hybrid cloud network.

    The network is developed and operated by us. It is an overlay network that relays heavily on Wireguard. The network powers

    Its main responsabilites are:

    • Content Delivery
    • Overlay networking
    • Disaster recovery services

    Kubernetes Ansible Wireguard HAProxy Python


We work with Gluo to help clients with DevSecOps work.

  • in house

    At Gluo we do research and development focussed on DevOps, A.I. and Platform Engineering.

    • Cupola: Gluo's internal developer platform

      We lead the effort at Gluo to develop and operate an IDP.

      Hetzner Terraform Kubernetes Backstage (spotify) Gitlab
    • DevOps AI: An AI assistant that integrates with your CI/CD platform

      We lead the effort to develop an AI assistant that helps Gluo's engineers during their day-to-day DevOps tasks.

      Azure Python Docker Gitlab

    Aquafin is a water treatment company in Flanders.

    • The Aquafin Internal Developer Platform

      We lead the effort at Aquafin to develop and operate an IDP to help increase developer productivity of their solutions teams.

      Azure Terraform Kubernetes Java (springboot) Golang

    HUBO is a retail chain for DIY construction.

    • Omnichannel 2.0

      We helped HUBO to prepare its new omnichannel platform ready for production. This ecommerce platform serves a few million customers every month.

      Azure Terraform Ansible Kubernetes ELK stack Java (springboot)

    Elaut manufactures arcade games.

    • Livecadia

      We helped Elaut to develop and operate their digital arcade. A digital arcade enables gamers to play classic arcade games (like the Claw) from the comfort of their sofa.

      A.W.S Terraform Ansible Grafana/Prometheus Typescript